Offers Innovative Development Software Licenses For Sale For The iOS and Android

July 10th, 2023

At we are also a software company in addition to providing quality search engine search results of the Internet.
This includes creating innovative software for use by other developers. Inc. is offering a iOS software template for XCode that provides an app a Python3 interpreter, and supports both Objective C and Swift code. By utilizing Python3 in an iOS app, it allows you to accomplish more and take your app to the next level. As a provided example, run a Python3 localhost server. Then in Swift code, utilize a WebView to GET and POST data to the server.
With a iOS Python3 interpreter within your iOS app, you will have a powerful way to develop software for the iOS, featuring Python3,
Objective C, and Swift code.
The software license are as follows from Inc.:
A one-time fee of $275,000 and an on-going annual $10,000 per every 10 in-house software developers usage fee.
Or, a one-time fee of $746,000 perpetual license fee per a corporation, or a business entity.
Please contact to purchase your license and receive the development software for XCode and the iOS.

For the Android, a Java and Python3 or a Kotlin and Python3 solution is also available as a project template including a provided example of a localhost server and WebView for the Android Studio. The Android version software license are as follows from Inc.:
A one-time fee of $225,000 and an on-going annual $10,000 per every 20 in-house software developers usage fee.
Or, a one-time fee of $647,000 for a perpetual license fee per a corporation, or a business entity.
Please contact to purchase your license and receive the development software for Android Studio for the Android OS.
The purchase of a software license includes customer support of the software solution for 6 months.

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